Wednesday, October 21, 2015

The Passing of Summer

              Summer suddenly passed away the first of October, at least for me.  It seems I barley got to know her. She was outside my window, warm and shining brightly.  I was inside canning, canning and more canning.
              With food put away for the winter, it's time to get down to QUILTING, quilting and more quilting. I plan to jump in with both feet, needles threaded, and a sharp blade on my rotary cutter.

              To start the season I'm making a Christmas pillow. The fabric can be found at Spring Creek Fabrics on HWY 111, Rickman Tennessee.                     The red snowman fabric was cut 16 1/2 
by 9  also the white fabric, 16 1/2 by 9. I used a strip of green for the accent, cut 16 1/2 by 1".

I copied some lettering for my embroidery, using two pieces of white, basted together to keep the red floss from showing through. I used red DMC floss no. 321 for the wording.

Fold the green strip wrong sides together and sew it between the red print and white.  You're pillow top is done.

The back is an envelope back made from another of Spring Creek's fabric.  Now all you need is a 16 inch pillow form.   
Now all you need is a 16" pillow form.  

           HAPPY  QUILTING